Tribal Consultation
Governor Jerry Brown's Executive Order B-10-11 established that all state agencies appoint a Tribal Liaison to facilitate effective communication between Tribal Governments and state agencies and departments. The Department of Consumer Affairs' Tribal Liaison is Brian Clifford. Mr. Clifford can be reached at:
Brian Clifford
California Department of Consumer Affairs
9821 Business Park Drive
Sacramento, CA 95827
(916) 574-8208
The Executive Order also established that all state departments shall adopt a Tribal Consultation Policy. The Department of Consumer Affairs Tribal Consultation Policy can be seen here.
If you would like to join the Department's Tribal Consultation Email list, please click here.
In addition, if you would like additional information on any regulation that one of the Department’s boards and bureaus has proposed and has noticed with the Office of Administrative Law, please click here. This document is updated regularly.
Additional Information
Governor's Office of Tribal Affairs
Business, Consumer Services and
Housing Agency Tribal Consultation Webpage
Business, Consumer Services and
Housing Agency Tribal Consultation Policy