CPA License Renewal Information

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CBA Connect

License renewals are completed using CBA Connect, which provides the convenience of submitting online renewal applications, address changes, and payments in one, simple-to-use application. Additionally, CBA Connect allows CPAs to track continuing education (CE) as it is completed. Please visit CBA Connect to create your CBA Connect account to ensure you receive timely information tailored specifically to your renewal cycle. A paper renewal application will not be mailed.

Note: The email you sign up with will be your User ID. The CBA recommends using a personal email to sign up for CBA Connect.

How to Create an Account in CBA Connect

Renewal Fee and Payments

The renewal fee for a CPA license that expires after June 30, 2024 is $340. The renewal fee for a COR or PAR license that expires after June 30, 2024 is $400.

The renewal fee for CPA, COR, and PAR licenses expiring prior to July 1, 2024 is $280.

If the payment is not received within 30 days of the license expiration date, a delinquency fee will be assessed. The delinquency fee for licenses expiring after June 30, 2024 is $170. The delinquency fee for licenses expiring before July 1, 2024 is $140. The renewal fee may be paid through CBA Connect with a Visa, MasterCard or Discover credit/debit card.

CBA Connect will automatically send you a receipt for your renewal payment. If you need a duplicate copy, please login to your CBA Connect account and click on “Payment Process Confirmation Email” in the Notifications section.

Alternatively, you may login to your CBA Connect account and click on “Profile” at the top of the page. The receipt may be found in the Payment Detail section.

The CBA does not have the legal authority to waive the delinquency fee for non-receipt of a renewal notification. Additionally, unless proof of delivery can be established, the CBA does not have the legal authority to waive the delinquency fee for a payment that is not received by the CBA.

License Renewal Options

If you are renewing your CPA license through CBA Connect:

  • Renew your license in an active status by completing the license renewal application, paying the license renewal fee, and documenting completion of the required CE.
  • Renew your license in an inactive status by completing the license renewal application and paying the license renewal fee. You are not required to complete CE if you renew your license in an inactive status, however, you cannot practice public accountancy while your license is in an inactive status. Please note, when using the title “certified public accountant,” the CPA designation, or any other reference that would suggest you are licensed by the CBA, you must place the term “inactive” immediately after the designation or title.

If you do not wish to renew your license:

  • Allow your license to expire if you no longer intend to practice public accountancy. An expired license may be renewed up to five years after its expiration date with payment of all applicable fees. In order to renew active, the required CE must be completed. Please note, if your license is expired you may not hold out using the title “certified public accountant,” the CPA designation, or any other reference that would suggest you are licensed by the CBA.
  • Apply for a retired status license if you have been a CPA for at least 20 years, with at least five years as an active CPA in the state of California, an application for for a retired status license can be submitted at any time. There is a $75 fee to apply. It is recommended that you consider applying for retired status at least 60 days prior to your license expiration. If your application for a retired status license is granted, it will be placed in retired status immediately. If you do not wish to have it placed in a retired status immediately, you should wait and apply approximately 30 days before your desired date. Please note, the holder of a license in a retired status, when using the title "certified public accountant," the CPA designation, or any other reference that would suggest the person is licensed by the CBA, must place the term "retired" immediately after the designation or title.

Peer Review Reporting

Firms, including CPAs practicing as sole proprietorships, must report peer review information to the CBA at the time of renewal. Firms and sole proprietors that complete their renewal application online through CBA Connect must submit a Peer Review Reporting Form (PR-1 Form) with their renewal if they are performing services which require a peer review. Firms and sole proprietors that are not performing services which require a peer review only need to answer the peer review-related questions in CBA Connect and do not need to upload the PR-1 Form.

If you are a licensee employed by an accounting firm, work for a non-accounting firm, employed by the government or are retired, you are not subject to the reporting requirement.

Processing Time

Renewal payments will be processed within 24 to 48 hours. Please allow up to 10 business days for the CBA to review your application. Your license status will appear as “Renewal in Process” on the CBA License Lookup webpage, and you will have practice rights while the CBA reviews your application.

If the CBA finds the renewal application deficient, or needs additional information, you will receive notification within your CBA Connect account. Once the license renewal application and payment have been processed and approved, you will be mailed a pocket identification card with the new license expiration date.

Changes to Address, Contact Information and User ID

To change your address, phone number, or email of record, please create or log in to your CBA Connect account. Changes made through CBA Connect take effect immediately.

Once logged in to CBA Connect, click on “Profile” at the top of the page. To change an address, click on the edit button in the Mailing Address section. To change a phone number or email of record, click on the pencil icon located next to the item you wish to edit. If you edit your email, you will receive an email at your new email address requiring you to confirm the change.

Note: Your User ID is your email. If you change your email, your User ID will also change.

Addresses of record are made available to the public (BPC section 27).

Continuing Education

Reporting Continuing Education

Use CBA Connect to track and report the required information (course title, course code, dates of completion, hours and provider name) for all CE courses completed within the two years preceding your license expiration date.

There are two ways to enter CE information into CBA Connect:

  1. You may upload your CE records into CBA Connect using the CBA-provided Excel CE Data File template. Your CE records must be in the format of the CBA-provided Excel CE Data File template to be acceptable.

    The CBA recommends downloading the Excel CE Data File template at your earliest convenience and use it to track your CE during your two-year renewal cycle. Using the Excel CE Data File template throughout your renewal cycle will help ensure a quick and easy renewal process.

    If your employer or CE provider tracks your CE, you may wish to ask if their existing CE tracking database can be exported into the CBA-provided Excel CE Data File template.

    Video: How to Use the Excel CE Data File Template
    Text: How to Use Excel CE Data File Template
  2. Enter the CE into CBA Connect manually. If you’re using the Excel CE Data File, you may manually add additional courses to CBA Connect.

Any course entered into CBA Connect, manually or with the Excel CE Data File template, may be edited or deleted individually.

Licensee CE

CE Providers

Accountancy Corporation Renewal

To renew an Accountancy Corporation (COR) license, the COR must have at least one shareholder with an active California CPA or PA license.

CORs must submit the following to renew:

  • Signed license renewal application. The application must be signed by a current shareholder.
  • The renewal fee.
  • The Shareholder Reporting Worksheet Shareholder Reporting Worksheet (reverse side of the license renewal application) listing all shareholders, or a list providing all the information requested on the Shareholder Reporting Worksheet.
  • The Peer Review Reporting Form (PR-1).
Online COR renewal

Accountancy Partnership Renewal Information

To renewal an Accountancy Partnership (PAR) license, the PAR must have at least two partners, and at least one must have an active California CPA or PA license.

PARs must submit the following to renew:

Online PAR renewal